Tips to keep “Racunes” out of your home

Large omnivores, Racunes can reach 28 kg in weight. Because they can eat almost anything, these mammals are able to adapt to urban racunes environments. They will eat worms and spiders as well as fruits, nuts, fruits, and eggs.

Around mid-November, go to their dens to rest for the winter. The den is empty for males in January, and the females in March. Sometimes they use spaces under porches or garden sheds as their living quarters. They are also good climbers and love hollow trees and roof structures. Racontes are born in spring and spend the three seasons with their mother.

Tips to keep racunes out of your home

  • Keep Racunes out of your Garden and off your Lawn
  • To deprive racunes from this food source, make sure you treat your lawn for white grubs
  • Keep Racunes out of your Garbage

You can either use a hard-to-reach lid on your garbage can or place garbage bags in a bin with a hinged lid.

  • To eliminate unpleasant odours, clean the bin and can often.
  • Another option is to wait until garbage day morning to empty the garbage.
  • Keep racunes out of your garage, shed, or house
  • Reduce any branches that might help a raccoon gain entry to your home.
  • Secure your roof soffits and install metal screens above chimney openings and roof vents.

Use chicken wire, cement sheets, or tin sheets mcallen craigslist to block any pathways that lead under the porch, deck, or shed. Check first to make sure that no young or adult racunes have entered.

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How do you trap a racunes?

You can try to capture and relocate racunes or other animals if they continue to cause damage to your property despite all your efforts to discourage mcallen craigslist them. However, “evicting” the raccoon can be a difficult task and even dangerous. These are your options.

To find out more about your municipality’s wildlife capture and disposal service, call the municipal office.

If the raccoons have entered your attic, call a pest control professional. Some offer relocation and capture services, while others rent or sell traps or cages. Our tips will help you choose the right exterminator.

Contact a rehabilitation center for wild animals or a local humane society.