These are the 5 largest movie snakes and their real life equivalents

You’re likely to be fascinated by movie monsters and snakes. We’ll be covering the five largest snakes to ever grace the silver screen, as well as their real-life counterparts. It might surprise you to find out that not all of the snakes on this list are actually giant snakes in reality. Some of them don’t even measure ten feet in length!

Learn more about the ten biggest movie snakes, and the real-life snakes that inspired them!

5. King Cobra (1999)

King Cobra is one of the more obscure, but still fascinating movies about giant killer serpents. King cobra is home to one of the most famous movie snakes. But it’s not any snake. King Cobra’s monster star is actually a genetically engineered cross between a king snake and an eastern diamondback rattlesnake. The monster snake goes on a rampage to kill the actors, using its entire 30 feet.

Real Life Equivalent: King Cobra & Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake

King Cobra’s monster snake is a mixture of Ophiophagus Hannah, the king cobra, and Crotalus Adamanteus the eastern diamondback rattlesnake. King cobras can reach 19 feet in length and are the longest venomous snakes on the planet. Eastern diamondback rattlesnakes may grow to as much as 8 feet in length and are the largest rattlesnake species.

King cobras can be extremely venomous and are native to South and Southeast Asia. To form the cobra hood, they can flatten their necks ribs. King cobras will eat most other snakes, but they will also eat rodents and lizards.

The highly venomous Eastern diamondback rattlesnakes, which are native to North America, are also extremely poisonous. Diamondbacks, like all rattlesnakes eat rodents and birds as well as lizards and smaller snakes. Their distinctive rattle and unique diamond pattern are what make them so popular.

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4. Anaconda (1997)

Anaconda was originally a horror film about giant killer snakes. It quickly became a franchise that included five TV and feature films. They all revolved around the same snake, the Anaconda. The movie’s movie snake is 40 feet in length and constricts itself through a documentary crew.

Real Life Equivalent: Green Anaconda

The largest snakes on Earth are the giant anacondas or green anacondas. They are also the longest snakes on Earth. They can reach up to 17 feet in length and can weigh more than 200 pounds.

Green anacondas can be found in many parts of South America. They are semi-aquatic, and most of their time they spend in or near water. Even below the surface of the water, they can strike prey. The green anacondas can eat all kinds of fish, lizards and birds, as well as caimans and tapirs.

3. Mega Snake (2007)

Mega Snake, a monster snake movie made in Bulgaria for television, was filmed. This monster has a name, Unteka. Unteka begins as a small snake in a container, but it quickly grows to 70 feet by human neglect.

Real Life Equivalent: Rhinoceros Viper, Boa Constrictor

Unteka is one of the most famous movie snakes. It has no known species. It uses both constriction and venom, and has hornlike scales at its nose. The rhinoceros viper (Bitis Nasicornis), and the boa constrictors (Boa constrictors) are close-related real-life species. Boa constrictors, on the other hand, can grow up to 14 feet long. Rhino vipers are only 4 feet tall.

2. Boa (2001)

Boa, also known as New Alcatraz is a horror sci-fi movie that can be viewed direct to video. It stars a man-eating snake. This movie monster is the largest ever. Boa’s monster snake measures 80 feet in length and is known to spend its time killing Antarctic prisoners guards and residents. Boa’s prehistoric snake, which is also the second largest movie snake, is on our list.

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Real Life Equivalent: Boa Constrictor

Boa, the movie about a snake, is based on a real-life boa constrictors. Although they aren’t some of the largest snakes, boa constrictors can be quite respectable. Boa constrictors can grow to 14 feet in length and can weigh more than 50 pounds.

Boa constrictors can be found in South America where they live high up in the trees. Although they eat rodents like mice and rats, these snakes will also eat lizards as well as monkeys, frogs and wild pigs. Boa constrictors don’t have any venom and can give birth to young.

Reticulated Python: Real Life Equivalent

1. Python (2000)

Anaconda was followed by Python, a horror-comedy made for TV. The film is about a 129-foot-long, genetically engineered python that spews acid. Three sequels to Python feature giant, maneating snakes that are determined to devour all humans they come in contact with.

These are the 5 largest movie snakes and their real life equivalents

You’re likely to be fascinated by movie monsters and snakes. We’ll be covering the five largest snakes to ever grace the silver screen, as well as their real-life counterparts. It might surprise you to find out that not all of the snakes on this list are actually giant snakes in reality. Some of them don’t even measure ten feet in length!

Learn more about the ten biggest movie snakes, and the real-life snakes that inspired them!